
Recent examples of rendered consulting services:

  • Expert advise on new infrastructure in relation to a research program on materialscharacterization (catalysts, nanomaterals, thin films); Form: presentation by client on intended research needs; presentation by JWN on possibilities of characterization tools; discussions and interviews; final report, with rough investment plan (160 hour project).
  • Literature study on new catalysts for a particular application; form: interview + literature study + report (90 hour project)
  • Organisation of a 1.5 day workshop for an industrial client, with four international experts on opportunities for a background research program aimed at providing understanding of a particular application of heterogeneous catalysis; workshop with four external experts and eight participants from the client in a small conference centre.
  • Several consulting activities in the form of short visits to clients (half day to two days), with presentations by or discussions with the client, followed up by a written report to the client. (projects varying from one to several days)
  • Training sessions on scientific presentations for internal meetings or external conferences (projects of 1 day to several days)

  • Please contact to discuss opportunities or to request a quotation: